Thursday, February 28, 2013

Hat day at school

Thursday is Cat in the Hat – hat day. Aurora chose to wear her crazy cat hat! Today is also picture day. See what she decided to wear? I love this girl

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Here's looking at you kid!

Aurora loves the glasses I have her for Valentine's Day! She wore them to church this morning.
Next week is Dr. Seuss week at her school, I'm hoping to get a week if great photos to show you for that!

***i tried to post this on 2/24 sorry there have been technical difficulties ***

Wacky Wednesday Wardrobe

It's Dr. Seuss week at Aurora's school. Monday was wear a solid Color day, Tuesday Green eggs and ham wear Green Day, but today is Wacky Wednesday at school...

Looks like a normal day to me. Butterfly sundress, pink under shirt, purple pants, and pink striped socks with fuzz!! Oh and don't forget the wacky zig zag and polka dot shoes and owl clip!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Busy bees

Things have been very busy around here, and I have neglected to post. (Also I just saw a post from feb 4 that never published. Sorry!)

I didn't realize I was so far behind. Here's a couple of photos to make you smile. I hope to hear from you all soon.