Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Easter Prep Fun - 26 March 2013

Easter Prep Fun - 26 March 2013

Post by Guest - John Mabes

With the upcoming Easter celebration coming, we decided to get into the holiday spirit. As with all American holidays, it seems that they have specific Rorie decided we should make Easter Bunny masks. She did a fantastic job making it, needing me to only help with the clue stick application.

Wednesday Wardrobe - 27 March 2013

Wednesday Wardrobe - 27 March 2013

Post by Guest - John Mabes

Today Aurora wanted to wear her Avengers t-shirt as well as playing super-heroes. We spent the day playing outside and then treated ourselves to some frozen yogurt. As you can see, she enjoyed it very much. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Wild thang!

Aurora thinks tiger stripes are awesome! I got these pants on a clearance for $2! Total mom win because I was also able to get her in a dress for church this morning!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The tooth fairy visits Aurora

The tooth fairy visited us for the first time, Aurora set up her tooth box and went to bed.

Here is what we woke up to ...

A great note (the tooth fairy is an Auburn Fan) and $5 (first tooth only- teeth after this are $1)

Aurora told me that the tooth fairy collects from mom's house and that she would ask the fairy at dad's house too... because that is what happens when her sister loses a tooth at our house. She gets to collect twice.

Aurora collected her fairy dust in a bag to save for show and tell.

She's growing up fast.

Monday, March 11, 2013

First loose tooth...

Of should I say lost tooth?! This one was hurting her in Saturday morning, but not even wiggly. Aurora worked it non-stop Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.... And this happened at school today!

The tooth fairy collects teeth from momma's house, so tonight we are looking for a note (one to take with her to redeem at daddy's house too) and some money.

She is so happy to have lost her first tooth!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Ring ring ring ring


Laundry day

This is how we do laundry. What is the most important thing in the world- this kid.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

New adventures

Aurora joined a Girl Scout troop. She is already asking when we will be going camping! Her investiture ceremony will be in 2 weeks, look for more pictures to come.

In the mean time here she is practicing selling cookies