The loudest chirping I have ever heard in the night came from this tiny little fella (and countless numbers of his friends) This frog was only about 1 inch long from nose to butt, but chirped so loud it made our ears ring.
Aurora was so curious about that noise that she got Nana and me to go out and hunt them down to find out what made such a loud sound. So with her Binoculars and Flash light in hand we went out back and hunted for the source of the chirping.
you have to be very quiet when you look into bird houses, so you don't scare the mommy bird too much. |
We also got to check on Nana's bird house, there is a nest and 6 tiny eggs. |
Aurora and Nana searching the yard for Squirrels, Chipmunks, birds, lizards, and those LOUD frogs! What an adventure!
Later in the afternoon we went to downtown Marietta and played at the square. Aurora made fast friends with the other children playing on the mock train. We walked around and enjoyed to flowers, threw money into the fountain and then were off to see Great-great-(great) Aunt KatieBelle.
going for a ride on KatieBelle's scooter! |