Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Preview

Just a little sneak peek of Aurora in her Halloween costume .....

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday Wardrobe [#44]

Its a grouchy morning this Wednesday! With the strange weather (30's over night, 40s in the morning and 70's in the afternoon) we are in jeans and long sleeves, then a jacket. Layers are the name of the game I guess for this season!

Aurora tied her own shoes again this morning, with minimal help from me, she is getting so good at it! her fine motor skills are just amazing!

Grouchy face thanks to early mornings and crazy weather )

Pumpkin Carving

Aurora and her 2 pumpkins from the Pumpkin Patch

Getting it started

one hand
two hands

its a messy job to empty pumpkin guts!

Aurora designed her own pumpkin, I drew it on, then she carved it out!!

Poppiong out the last piece of the Jack-O-Lantern

So proud of my little pumpkin!

Aurora wanted to do a rocket ship, so togetehr we were goign to work on the more complicated pattern.

Carving together!

Our pumpkin Haul!

Exhausted after hard day's work!

I made a space pumpkin to go with Aurora's Rocket

All our carvings, great job every one!

Happy (or not so happy?) Halloween!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wednesday wardrobe [#43]

Today I asked Aurora to try on a pair of pants to see if they fit. They didn't. BUT she saw a shirt in her basket that matched the pants. So I told her high waters are not cute. I told her the tight waistband would hurt her by the end of the day. I told her she looked like a candy cane .... Nothing mattered to her though. In other news: she did tie this shoe!! happy Wednesday everyone!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Back at the ER

Aurora put a rock in her ear. Oh the joys of parenthood!!!!!!! All it took was a look and a squirt of water. Well a bunch of water. Aurora gets a balloon and an antibiotic ear drop just in case.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

First Dental Appointment.

Aurora went to the dentist for the first time today. What a wonderful experience! The dental hygienist used to work at a daycare center with me many moons ago. They counted and cleaned her teeth and made it so fun! Aurora got a goody bag and a tattoo when she finished.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

First School Picture

I stopped by Aurora's school today to pick up her papers and pay tuition and look what I found in her box.....

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wednesday Wardrobe - Tonka Fun [#41]

Wednesday Wardrobe - Tonka Fun

Guest Post by John Mabes

Today we spent the afternoon in the back yard under the giant oak tree playing. However before hand, Aurora wanted to be sure she had on her new set of shoes which light up....she was very proud of them.

After making sure that they did in fact still light up, it was time for us to go outside. She spent the remainder of the afternoon playing tag with the dogs, pretending to be a princess on safari with her Barbies and Lion King toys, and last but not least playing with her much beloved Tonka trucks in the dirt.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Shutterfly freebie

Jack O'Lantern Lights Halloween Card
Create your own Halloween photo cards at
View the entire collection of cards.

I got a code  for a free card in my email, then after ordering the card I was offered $10 off my next purchase just for sharing on my blog - so here is my card, and thanks to Shutterfly for the Freebies!